Thank you for purchasing a set of absentee ballots!
IMPORTANT: After your ballot set purchase, please email us at OR call 575.751.0369 to supply your phone number. The phone number you provide during the checkout process is NOT shared with us by PayPal.
We must contact you to determine:
Which artworks you want to put your name in for
What is your preferred priority order, if you don't want to purchase multiple artworks if your name is drawn for them
Your preferred credit card information to hold on file through the sale to guarantee your purchases
Thank you for supporting our programs into the future!
How does the draw work?
Each ticket buyer and absentee buyer is assigned a ballot set with a unique Buyer Number. The set consists of one ballot for each piece of art. For each artwork a buyer wishes to purchase, write your name on the corresponding ballot, and deposit the ballot into the box next the artwork when it is on display at the May 21 Gala El Monte Sagrado Resort in Taos, between 4:00 and 5:45 p.m. On-site buyers will receive their ballot set when they check in for the Gala.
At 6:00 p.m. the process of randomly drawing ballots for artworks will begin. Up to three names will be drawn for each artwork and posted in the order they were drawn. If the person whose name is drawn first is present, they will have 10 minutes to accept or decline to purchase the artwork. (Absentees, see Absentee Buyer section below for the procedure.) If declined, the option to purchase will pass to the next name drawn. This process will repeat if necessary.
How do I participate in the art sale if I cannot attend the draw?
Register as an absentee buyer by purchasing a set of absentee ballots for $50. Absentee registration will be available beginning March 5, 2022, and is limited to one registration per email address. Absentee registration closes at noon on May 19, and absentee ballot placement ends at 2 p.m May 19. At the time of purchase, you will be required to supply credit card information to be kept on file in the event you are a winning buyer. Credit card information for both successful and unsuccessful buyers will be shredded as soon as the sales and shipping process is complete.
As an absentee buyer, if my name is drawn for more than one artwork do I have to purchase all of them?
Not unless you wish to. When you purchase a set of ballots, they will not be mailed to you. A Couse-Sharp Historic Site representative will contact you to document in writing which artworks you wish to place a ballot for, how many of those artworks you are willing to purchase, and what priority order you wish to designate. Your ballots will be placed in the draw boxes for the desired artworks and your instructions kept on file. During the live draw, if your name is drawn for multiple artworks, your CSHS representative will consult your written instructions and decline purchase of one or more of them if warranted.
How do I find out if I won a draw if I’m not there?
You will be contacted within 24 hours if you have successfully won the right to purchase artwork.
How do I pay?
When you are contacted, you will be asked to authorize payment using one of two methods:
1. A deposit equal to 10% of the purchase price, charged to your credit card on file, with the balance remitted via mailed check
2. Payment in full via to your credit card on file, subject to a 3% surcharge to defray fees charged to our organization.
When and how do I get my artwork?
The shipping process begins on May 25. Please note that packing and shipping, if required, is paid for by the buyer. A staff member will contact you to coordinate pickup or delivery and payment of any expense. We will ship your purchase upon receipt of full payment for the artwork and agreement on packing and shipping charges.