No. 14
Glenn Dean
Taos Dreamer, 2024, oil, 18 x 12 in.
Largely self-taught, Glenn Dean was aware of his interest in creating art by age 13, but it took several years for him to realize his passion for landscape painting. At the age of 20, Dean completed his first outdoor painting in Arizona, and he has been dedicated to the art form ever since. Early in his career, the work of Western landscape painters of the early 20th century, including Maynard Dixon and Edgar Payne, directed the path of his own practice. From these influential artists, Dean learned to observe carefully “the simple and basic characteristics of a specific location” while recognizing the “importance of seeing the color of light.” Painting on location throughout the Southwest, including four years spent in New Mexico, Dean is intrigued by the relationship between a figure and their surroundings. With a bold, graphic look to his compositions, Dean’s artwork aims to honor “the things in the world that [he] finds to be beautiful.”
Minimum Starting Bid: $6,000*
*This work will be sold by maximum, secret bid.